Classic Vica is a local vocational student club. It is affiliated with the national organization SKILLS USA. It provides opprortunites for students to have FUN, develop leadership, promote traditional values, promote technology education, and provide service to the school and community. Membership is open to all high school students. Members are easily recognized by their red varsity style letter sweaters, pins, and motto: "Classic VICA....Rock & Roll, Baby"
Some of the past activities include:
Fall Homecoming Car Smash
Rock & Roll Car Show & Brat Fry
Member Initiation- Election of Officers
Leadership Training SKILLS USA
Trip to Doc's Harley
Halloween Costume Party
Hayride and Pumpkin Bowling
Christmas Party
Back to the 50's Party
Shrine Circus
Hawaiian Beach Luau
World of Wheels Custom Car Show
Spring Rock & Roll Car Show
End of Year Picnic |
If you want to motivate kids, get them involved, have pride in their school while having FUN, Classic VICA can make a difference. I am always happy to share ideas, and get you started. IT REALLY WORKS! Here's a few more pictures to let you see how cool it is. Classic VICA....Rock & Roll, Baby!
You might wonder why the name "Classic VICA"
Shawano High School chapter of VICA or Vocational Industrial Clubs of America was chartered in the 1980's with Fred Beyer as the advisor. A very active club, during the 1990's Shawano member, Robert Beyer was elected as Wisconsin state VICA president. At the national convention members were informed that the name would be changed to SKILLS USA in order to reflect the contemporary technical skills needed for the 21st. century. On the ride home much discussion was had, including the example of how Coca-Cola tried to change their product with negative results. We had worked hard to make VICA recognized like our sister organization FFA. We felt rather than start over; we would adopt a name that reflected our dedication to the "old school" values, hands on skills, and simpler times of the 1950's. Coca-Cola used Classic as a way to go back to the popular time tested original formula, and so we figured why not Classic VICA.

In the shop we fixed up an old Juke Box and filled it with the 45rpm Rock & Roll oldies that they brought in. Parents got interested right away when they were asked for records. They thought it was "really cool" that they could share these, especially in a generation of CD's. The Juke Box was the talk of the school. With support from the administration, Classic VICA brought in a new CD jukebox for the all students to use in the commons during lunch time, as well as before and after school. We also printed labels for some of the 45's that we put on display. We adopted many other relics of the "good old days" that supported our back to the 50's theme. Fund raising is part of most clubs. Rather than going door to door selling stuff, we provided restoration services for individuals using the skills taught in class. The club worked on gas pumps, juke boxes, pinball games, and old motors which provided generous donations, practical experiences, and fun. Our "homecomming car smash" and brat frys provided additional funds to support our activities. Our car shows were always free to the car owners and we thanked them for participating with free food coupons. We hired "live rock & roll bands" who performed at the events for the whole school, community and guests to enjoy.
